MPC Championship Table 2023/24

A forum for English speaking supporters of Italian football.
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Setup many moons ago on the Channel 4 Football Italia Forum, the Prediction Championship, as it was named then, changed it's name after forum member MPC passed away on the 26th September 2004, at the age of 35, while running in the Great North Run. MPC was the reigning champion and also leading the Prediction Championship at that time and so the name was then changed to Marcello Chicarella Championship. The name was slightly changed a couple of years ago to Marcello Pietro Chicarella Championship.

Previous winners / runners-up

2003 - Milan1899 (Milano) / MPC
2004 - MPC
2005 - Giovanni Lavafiume / Liam
2006 - Jay / Michael La Viola
2007 - Curva Fiesole / saviola
2008 - saviola / il ferret
2009 - diatribe / il ferret
2010 - Van Basten / Bobo32
2011 - VB (Van Basten) / Mezz
2012 - Mezz / VB (Van Basten)
2013 - VB (Van Basten) / Mezz
2014 - VB (Van Basten) / Curva Fiesole
2015 - Yockomo / Dels
2016 - Liam / Jay
2017 - Liam / Myles
2018 - Myles / Liam
2019 - Liam / Myles
2020 - Liam / Myles
2021 - Liam / Jay
2022 - Liam / Jay
2023 - Liam / Dels

New Players
  • 1. You automatically join by posting your predictions in the MPC Championship Week 1 thread, or whatever week we are on by the time you join.
  • 2. You do not have to ask if you can join, just play!
  • 3. If you are not sure of the correct way to post your predictions, just copy what the other players are doing and you will understand it straight away, because it's easy to play!
  • 4. You only need to concern yourself with the How to play the game section below.

How to play the game

1. How to Play
  • 1 a. Post results in the weekly thread >> MPC Championship Week 1. (Week 2, 3, etc.)
  • 1 b. Use the letters H (home), A (Away) and D (Draw)
Do not use 1, 2 or X, and do not predict scores

2. How to Score Points
  • 2 a. 1 point is scored for each result predicted correctly
  • 2 b. 0 points is awarded for each result predicted incorrectly
  • 2 c. Your score for each week is added to your accumulated total score of the previous weeks
3. The Deadline for Predictions
  • 3 a. The deadline for predicting results for each individual match is the kick-off time (BST) of that individual match.
  • 3 b. Each player may only post one set of predictions per week.

Reference for game administrators...

4. Postponed/Suspended/Abandoned Matches and Voided Results
  • 4 a. If a match result is changed or voided, your score will be altered to correspond with the official result
  • 4 b. If a match is postponed or suspended before or during the match and the game is not replayed, then the result used for accumulating your score will be the result made official
  • 4 c. If a match is postponed or suspended before or during the match and the whole game is replayed, then players can submit new predictions for the re-arranged game
  • 4 d. If the match is abandoned on or before 30 minutes 00 seconds of play and the score is 0-0 at the time of its abandonment, new predictions can be submitted. Otherwise, the original predictions will be used for accumulating your score and no new predictions will be accepted
5. Players Absent
  • 5 a. If you are going to be absent from the forum, post predictions in advance on the MPC Championship 2023/24 Table thread (that's this thread!).
  • 5 b. Players who do not post predictions for 4 consecutive weeks may be withdrawn.
6. Players Posting the Table
  • 6 a. Any Player may take the initiative of posting all the weekly scores and/or the whole table before an administrator.
  • 6 b. Players can not post only part of the scores/table as this undermines the role of other players whom are not included in a part-table.

The administrators understand that delays in posting the whole table are frustrating to the players. Sometimes an administrator may be unavailable to complete his role in the process within a desired timeframe due to personal commitments, which take priority (i.e. work or study).

7. Tie-break
In the event of a tie-break in the table after week 38, between two or more players. The winner will be the player who predicted the highest score for the most amount of weeks, and so on in descending order. Thereafter, if more than one player are still tied, more than one winner will be declared.

8. Incorrect Score
  • 8 a. Incorrect scores should be posted on the MPC Championship 2023/24 Table thread (that's this thread!).
  • 8 b. A player can not appeal late predictions, regardless of forum technicality, no Internet access, holidays, bereavement, apologies or otherwise.
Game Administrators
Table compiler & marker: Liam

Final Table 2022/23 Season

Liam 191
Liam 179
Dels 173 *
flotron 173 **
Myles 173
Jay 156
Lupo Pazzesco 136
fidejan 62

*Dels finishes 2nd after scoring 9 once with Myles and Flotron failing to score 9 at any point.
**Flotron finishes 3rd after scoring 7 six times compared to Myles's 4 times.

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Week 1 Table

flotron 6
Liam 6
Dels 4
Jay 4
Myles 4
Lupo Pazzesco 3

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Week 2 Table

Liam 11
Dels 8
flotron 8
Jay 8
Lupo Pazzesco 8
Myles 8

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Week 3 Table

Liam 19
Dels 15
flotron 15
Jay 14
Myles 14
Lupo Pazzesco 10

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Week 4 Table

Liam 22
Dels 20
Jay 17
Myles 17
flotron 15
Lupo Pazzesco 13

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Week 5 Table

Liam 28
Dels 24
Myles 23
Jay 21
flotron 20
Lupo Pazzesco 15

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Week 6 Table

Liam 32
Myles 30
Dels 28
Jay 27
flotron 25
Lupo Pazzesco 19

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Week 7 Table

Liam 39
Myles 38
Dels 35
Jay 33
flotron 31
Lupo Pazzesco 24

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Week 8 Table

Liam 44
Myles 44
Dels 40
Jay 38
flotron 36
Lupo Pazzesco 28

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Week 9 Table

Myles 51
Liam 49
Dels 47
Jay 43
flotron 41
Lupo Pazzesco 33

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Week 10 Table

Myles 57
Liam 54
Dels 51
flotron 48
Jay 46
Lupo Pazzesco 36

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Week 11 Table

Liam 60
Myles 59
Dels 56
flotron 54
Jay 51
Lupo Pazzesco 39

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Week 12 Table

Liam 65
Dels 61
Myles 61
flotron 54
Jay 54
Lupo Pazzesco 42

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Week 13 Table

Liam 71
Dels 67
Myles 65
Jay 60
flotron 59
Lupo Pazzesco 44

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Week 14 Table

Liam 77
Dels 73
Myles 70
Jay 65
flotron 64
Lupo Pazzesco 46

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Week 15 Table

Liam 84
Dels 78
Myles 73
Jay 70
flotron 69
Lupo Pazzesco 51

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Week 16 Table

Liam 91
Dels 86
Myles 79
flotron 77
Jay 77
Lupo Pazzesco 59

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Week 17 Table

Liam 93
Dels 89
Myles 82
flotron 81
Jay 77
Lupo Pazzesco 62

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Posts: 4604
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Week 18 Table

Liam 97
Dels 95
flotron 86
Myles 86
Jay 79
Lupo Pazzesco 64

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Posts: 4604
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Week 19 Table

Liam 100
Dels 99
flotron 90
Myles 90
Jay 83
Lupo Pazzesco 66

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