A forum for English speaking supporters of Italian football.
verno Moderator
Posts: 1662
19-09-24 22:37
Urgh, Mince Pies.
Tangerine Romanista First Team
Posts: 1022
19-09-24 22:47
verno wrote: ↑ 19-09-24 22:37
Urgh, Mince Pies.
Had always wondered why they were called 'mince' pies.
Turns out they used to actually have meat in them!
https://www.walkersshortbread.com/the-h ... d%20fruit.
The reason mincemeat is called meat is because that’s exactly what it used to be: most often mutton, but also beef, rabbit, pork or game. Mince pies were first served in the early middle ages, and the pies were quite sizeable, filled with a mixture of finely minced meat, chopped up fruit and a preserving liquid. Mincemeat originally came about as a good way of preserving meat, without salting, curing, smoking or drying it.
verno Moderator
Posts: 1662
19-09-24 22:57
"Preserving liquid". Oooh Yum.
I thought they must have had meat in them at some point. Still a yuck from me though.
Duncan!! First Team
Posts: 3581
20-09-24 01:45
I had some kind of pies at the Highland Games a few times. They were decent but needed a bit of hot sauce in them to spice them up a bit.
Dels Game Admin
Posts: 4385
11-10-24 22:31
Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.
Duncan!! First Team
Posts: 3581
12-10-24 02:52
84 here today. But it's dropping tonight to more autumn like temps....ugh
At least no hurricanes though. And my family is fine BTW
Dels Game Admin
Posts: 4385
12-10-24 16:48
Glad everything is OK with your family. We really don't get hurricanes here. When weather is bad I should think it could be worse.
Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.
Myles Admin
Posts: 3371
12-10-24 18:21
Dublin is a dull 17 degrees every single day of the year. If it's ever 20, everyone legs it to the nearest beach and hopes for some sunny breakthroughs.
Signature test
Dels Game Admin
Posts: 4385
17-10-24 15:15
It's lovely today. Sunny and warm. The weather here is mental.
Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.
Dels Game Admin
Posts: 4385
17-10-24 17:37
And just like that it's pissing down rain now. I probably jinxed it.
Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.
Duncan!! First Team
Posts: 3581
18-10-24 00:51
60's and sunny here
verno Moderator
Posts: 1662
24-10-24 22:18
Duncan!! wrote: ↑ 12-10-24 02:52
At least no hurricanes though. And my family is fine BTW
Good to hear.
Dels Game Admin
Posts: 4385
06-11-24 12:15
I've been watching YouTube videos of dogs. I'm going to be doing that for the next four years. Dogs bring me happiness. I like dogs.
Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.
Dels Game Admin
Posts: 4385
06-11-24 22:09
I have not watched the news today or been on social media. I'm boycotting it all.
Didn't watch the football either. Fuck that. Fuck Inter!
Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.
verno Moderator
Posts: 1662
06-11-24 22:10
Dels wrote: ↑ 06-11-24 12:15
I've been watching YouTube videos of dogs. I'm going to be doing that for the next four years. Dogs bring me happiness. I like dogs.
I've just been on YouTube watching cat videos. Worst. Day. Ever.
verno Moderator
Posts: 1662
06-11-24 22:11
Dels wrote: ↑ 06-11-24 22:09
I have not watched the news today or been on social media. I'm boycotting it all.
Same. Couldn't bear to look. Lost a bit more faith in humanity today.
Edit: Fuck Inter also. Obv.
Edit 2: I am drinking on a week day.