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As well you should......

In the new CL for next year, is Celtic automaticaly in it? How about Rangers?

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12 out 13 titles, anyone would.

Celtic are automatically in it. But I think the season after that Scotland loses its automatic place, so the champions will need to back to qualifying. Rangers will need to qualify again.

Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.

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This new CL format reeks Super League all over it

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Doesn't it just. Reeks of bullshit as well.

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:lollaughing: It does

Lupo Pazzesco
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Thank God, United aren't having any of it! :help:
No Al Calcio Moderno.

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Lupo Pazzesco
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:lol: :lol: :lol:
No Al Calcio Moderno.

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Don't know whether this is good or bad...

Rishi Sunak being totes hilaire on the campaign trail.
I read a tweet comparing it to that bit in The Simpsons where Sideshow Bob keeps stepping on rakes and honestly I think they hit the nail on the head.

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Rishi could be replaced by Count Binface and no one would notice.

Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.

Tangerine Romanista
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verno wrote:
12-06-24 22:55
Don't know whether this is good or bad...

Rishi Sunak being totes hilaire on the campaign trail.
I read a tweet comparing it to that bit in The Simpsons where Sideshow Bob keeps stepping on rakes and honestly I think they hit the nail on the head.
Personally I've been loving every moment of it! :fastheadbanging: Been an unmissable clown car show every step of the way :standingonrake:

Tangerine Romanista
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I've heard people talking about the election being a "mass extinction event" for the Conservative Party, below seems to back this up......
The Conservative on-the-ground election campaign is descending into “disarray” amid a chronic lack of volunteers and strategy and an increasing sense of panic in formerly ultra-safe seats, insiders and opponents have told the Guardian.

Some areas have struggled to muster people to knock on doors and deliver leaflets due to a combination of a shrinking and ageing membership, a calamitous fall in the number of Conservative councillors and disillusionment with the election campaign.

Instead the party has become heavily reliant on using paid-for delivery to send out large numbers of election leaflets that are often nationally focused and less relevant to local issues.

“In our seat, the local MP is a minister, and if he goes out door-knocking during the day he’s lucky to have three people with him,” said one Tory official in a seat the party currently holds. “Sometimes it’s just him and one other person. On weekends there are people who might deliver leaflets, but they don’t want to knock on doors.”

Opposition parties fighting in previously safe Tory seats say they have noticed a stark difference even from the last election. “In 2019 it was definitely different,” one Liberal Democrat candidate said. “I think voters are noticing this time that their Tory communication comes with the pizza leaflets.”

Posts: 1662


Dels wrote:
13-06-24 10:22
Rishi could be replaced by Count Binface and no one would notice.
They would. Count Binface is much cooler.

We've had a boundary change so we're in a new constituency. Our old one has been Conservative since the Fifties but it's all up in the air.
Truthfully I wish we had a None of the Above option like in Brewster's Millions.

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I was just talking about this with my sister about how I wish we had the none of the above option

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verno wrote:
14-06-24 21:59
Dels wrote:
13-06-24 10:22
Rishi could be replaced by Count Binface and no one would notice.
They would. Count Binface is much cooler.
Ha! So true.

I'm in the safest Labour seat in Scotland. So there will be no change here.

Bukayo Saka = future GOAT.

Posts: 1662


Duncan!! wrote:
14-06-24 22:05
I was just talking about this with my sister about how I wish we had the none of the above option
We're all in a dreadful state politically speaking. Urgh. 🤮

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We are :dunno: :redcardcomplaining:

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verno wrote:
14-06-24 21:59
Dels wrote:
13-06-24 10:22
Rishi could be replaced by Count Binface and no one would notice.
They would. Count Binface is much cooler.

We've had a boundary change so we're in a new constituency. Our old one has been Conservative since the Fifties but it's all up in the air.
Truthfully I wish we had a None of the Above option like in Brewster's Millions.
We're in the same position, it's a Conservative (very) safe seat, but there's a boundary change and there's a possibility they might actually lose the seat.

And I'd like a None of the Above option too!

Lupo Pazzesco
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Somehow, despite being on the ad (cheapest) plans for Netflix & Prime, I don't see any ads. It's a complete fluke but running Privacy Badger & uBlock Origin on the Firefox browser on my Mac means I never see an advert, ever. :lol: :laughingatanother: :cooler:
No Al Calcio Moderno.

Lupo Pazzesco
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GTTMUH The arcade game Pong with a difference! ACE.
No Al Calcio Moderno.

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